Saturday, January 17, 2015

Prodigal Son

I attend a bi-weekly bible study and right now we are doing a study on the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 1-32).  For those of you who are not familiar with the story, he is a quick synopsis.   The youngest son of a wealthy man asks for his share of the inheritance.  The father gives it to the son and the son squanders it away.   After the money runs out, the son returns back to the father and the father is overjoyed to see the son return and has a big celebration for him.

            I have had my own prodigal experience recently.  I have a cousin (3 actually) who moved to Tennessee in 1984.   They are related on my father’s side.   There was a huge family disagreement over some property after my grandmother died in 1985 and her parents (with my 3 cousins in tow) disappeared.   It was like they vanished out of thin air.  Phones disconnected, houses moved, they left the jobs they had.   Nobody knew were to find them.  No forwarding addresses. 

            30 years later, and I happen to stumble upon the oldest of the three cousins on Facebook!  I clicked on her page and I could tell in one second it was my cousin.   We look a lot alike.  THEN I saw the other two cousins listed as “friends”.   I check out all three profiles and they live in PHOENIX!!!  I have had family here for 7 years right under my nose.  The youngest graduated at the High School near my house.    I sent the oldest a message via. Facebook and I am anxiously waiting to hear back.

            I am excited. I am overjoyed. I am nervous.   I cried tears of excitement.   I have been checking my phone every 10 minutes to see if I have a response.   I can’t wait to have a reunion with them.  It has been 30 years.   These cousins of mine who have been lost have now been found!

            I understand why the father in Prodigal son was so forgiving.  He was just glad his son was alive and he was glad he was home and safe.     I will keep you all updated about this.  I am SO excited!

~Sunny :D

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Do you struggle to forgive people?   I sometimes do.   I am very forgiving in most situations and for most people.  When someone cuts me in line at the market, or a friend says a hurtful comment I am quick to forgive.   Life is too short to dwell on such petty things.    However, when someone has developed a track record of hurting me I find it difficult to forgive.  This difficulty is increased when the people who wronged me refuse to accept responsibility, humble themselves, and ask for forgiveness. 

            With that being said, the bible is very clear that forgiveness is a key component of the Christian walk.   GOD forgave us for our multitude of sins, therefore we ought to forgive our brothers and sisters.  Here are some verses to ponder:

 “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, jus as in Christ GOD forgave you.” ~Ephesians 4:31-32.

“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked: Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?  Up to seven times? Jesus answers: I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”  ~Matthew 18: 21-22

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.  Forgive as the LORD forgave you.”  ~Colossians 4:13

            What is forgiveness?  What does it look like?   According to the Mayo Clinic, forgiveness “Is a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge” (See link below).   Based on this definition I have forgiven everyone who hurt me.  I am not really the type to do revenge.  I am able to see the brokenness of the sinner between the sin(s) they committed against me.    Even if I don’t want anything bad happening to someone, I don’t necessarily want certain people in my life anymore.    Does this make my forgiveness void?


            I think people try to create a grey area between forgiveness and reconciliation.   Forgiveness can happen immediately, but true reconciliation can  only happen if the offending party asks for forgiveness and repents.  

“If  your brother sins, rebuke him.   If he repents, forgive him.  If he sins against you seven times a day and seven times comes back to you and asks for forgiveness, you must forgive him.  ~ Luke 17:4.

Does this mean I have to forgive and restore a friendship if someone has a track record of hurting me? No.  Rick Warren once said: “Forgiveness must be immediate, whether or not a person asks for it.   Trust must be rebuilt over time.  Trust requires a track record.   If someone hurts you repeatedly, you are commanded by GOD to forgive them instantly, but you are not expected to trust them immediately, and you are not expected to continue allowing them to hurt you.”

            I have searched my heart and I truly believe that I have forgiven people who have wronged me.   I am not seeking to harm another person.   I am not retaliating against anyone.   However, in some cases it is not imperative for me to restore a relationship with someone who hurt me.    Trust must be built up over time.  Reconciliation must happen in order to fully restore a relationship.   What can I do to keep the peace in my own heart toward someone who hurt me?

“Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”
~Luke 6:28

            You are commanded to forgive someone who sins against you.   The bible also commands that you bless those who hurt you and pray for those who mistreat you.  I set a timer and specifically pray for an individual for 3 minutes everyday.   I pray for GOD to soften her/his heart.  I pray that GOD bless that offending party with protection, love, comfort and peace.   I pray for GOD to reconcile myself with the offending party.    I speak promises from Scripture into the other person’s life.  

~Sunny :D


The Obligatory New Year Reflection & Resolution Post (a little late)

Last year my best friend and I purchased matching jars from Ikea and we put all of our blessings into the jar.   I put slips of paper into the jar for things that happened in my life that were good.   I ran a 5K, I made dinner for friends, traveled, purchased a new car.   All the amazing things GOD did were placed inside of this jar. I also placed scriptures or quotes that made a significant impact in my life during 2014.   I also had written copies of song lyrics that were significant to me.  I have the names of new friends and shared experiences I had with people who are important to me.   I even had stubs from movie tickets and a copy of the sermon notes from an insightful message I heard at my church. 

Here is a picture of my blessing jar.

            The blessing jar was so much fun to open and read.   I was able to see how GOD was able to show his grace & love many powerful ways.   I was able to fill up 5 pages in my journal with blessings from last year.   Reflecting onto 2014, I am not going to lie~ It was challenging.  I had to learn a vast amount of difficult lessons from GOD.   However, I know that GOD is with me and I truly feel him closer to me now than he has ever been.

            It is my prayer that 2015 is a better year.  I don’t really make “resolutions” like normal people, but I like to set goals.   In 2015 I would like to:  Complete 5 races (5K’s), Do an in depth study Isaiah & Zachariah, Save $2000 toward my house, and lose 50 pounds.   These are all achievable goals if I stay focused on GOD.   I had similar goals set last year around this time, but when I got distracted from the LORD, my goals went out the window.    I am going to make sure this does not happen again in 2015.    I want to live a full life!  I want to look back on 2015 and think: “Wow, what an amazing year that was!”

~Sunny :D

Friday, January 9, 2015

Double Standards

           I was grabbing lunch with my friend Emily and she asked me: “What are you doing tomorrow?” and I told her I have tentative plans a mutual friend named Bridgette who may or may not cancel.   I continued to explain how Bridgette had to work and might be too tired to get dinner so I might get dinner with her, or I might have a quiet night at home with my pug. 
            Emily and I laughed when she exclaimed: “That would never fly with a guy would it?”   She is right.  We ladies hold the guys we date to higher standards.  We expect them to arrive to locations on time.   We won’t accept it when guys are flakey and cancel plans last minute.  There are exceptions to this rule but I can think of multiple relationships I have had that ended just because the guy was a little flakey.
            When a guy is late or cancels plans we naturally assume it’s a game.   We ladies are so used to being burned by the guys in our lives that we go into relationships with extreme caution.  When a guy is repeatedly late or repeatedly cancel plans we disqualify him.  Yet, my friend Bridgette is habitually late and yet I still adore her!
            I  can’t speak for the male population, but I am sure that there are things you allow your buddies to get away with that would never slide with a girlfriend.    Just something to ponder..

~Sunny :D 

Decision MADE :D

If you read my previous blog post, you will see that I was trying to discern GOD’s will for my life.   I was prayerfully considering that maybe I should leave my church.   A multitude of reasons (I would rather not get into)   has made fellowship at the church very awkward and has made me feel unwelcomed at that church.   I was honestly planning on making December 28th my last service at that church.  I had all of the materials I have borrowed stacked into a nice pile and ready to be returned.   I had a nicely written “good-bye” letter to give to the pastors that I was going to send out on December 29th.    I figured that January 2015 would be a good time to start attending a new church. 

            GOD had something else planned.  I got sick on December 27th and I was unable to attend church.   I spent the day reading a book a co-worker gave me for Christmas.  The book is titled: “The Bait of Satan” and it’s by John Bevere.   In this book, John outlined how Satan will use other Christians to push people out of a church.    He used the parable of the soils, and compared us to seed on rocky soil.   “Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil.  It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.  But when the sun came, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had not root. “  (Matthew 13:5-6).

            Satan longs to uproot us.    It is only through trials that we are able to grow those roots into the ground.  The sun has come.  I faced many trials in just a few short months and my “bully” is still trying to hurt me.  Ultimately I need to stay where I am.   I need to trust GOD.

“But blessed is the man who trust in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.  He will be like water that sends out its roots by the stream.   It does not fear when heat comes; it has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
~Jeremiah 17:7-8

            GOD often communicates to me through songs.  I was listening to my ipod and I heard the song “Little Star” by Phil Keaggy.  (I included a Youtube video for your listening pleasure). 

Here are some of the lyrics:
Through fire, storm, wind and rain
Broken dreams of yesterday
You are where he wants you little star
Close and within reach of where you are.
Rest assured in what you’ve heard,
Peace of mind, remain secure
You are where He wants you little star.”

       I know things will be difficult for a while.  I know I will probably be uncomfortable for a while.  but if GOD is for us, who can be against us?

~Sunny :D

Dinner & A Movie: Hawaiian

I have the gift of hospitality.  I enjoy opening up my home and inviting people over.   One of my summer goals was to Host a Dinner and Movi...