Saturday, January 17, 2015

Prodigal Son

I attend a bi-weekly bible study and right now we are doing a study on the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 1-32).  For those of you who are not familiar with the story, he is a quick synopsis.   The youngest son of a wealthy man asks for his share of the inheritance.  The father gives it to the son and the son squanders it away.   After the money runs out, the son returns back to the father and the father is overjoyed to see the son return and has a big celebration for him.

            I have had my own prodigal experience recently.  I have a cousin (3 actually) who moved to Tennessee in 1984.   They are related on my father’s side.   There was a huge family disagreement over some property after my grandmother died in 1985 and her parents (with my 3 cousins in tow) disappeared.   It was like they vanished out of thin air.  Phones disconnected, houses moved, they left the jobs they had.   Nobody knew were to find them.  No forwarding addresses. 

            30 years later, and I happen to stumble upon the oldest of the three cousins on Facebook!  I clicked on her page and I could tell in one second it was my cousin.   We look a lot alike.  THEN I saw the other two cousins listed as “friends”.   I check out all three profiles and they live in PHOENIX!!!  I have had family here for 7 years right under my nose.  The youngest graduated at the High School near my house.    I sent the oldest a message via. Facebook and I am anxiously waiting to hear back.

            I am excited. I am overjoyed. I am nervous.   I cried tears of excitement.   I have been checking my phone every 10 minutes to see if I have a response.   I can’t wait to have a reunion with them.  It has been 30 years.   These cousins of mine who have been lost have now been found!

            I understand why the father in Prodigal son was so forgiving.  He was just glad his son was alive and he was glad he was home and safe.     I will keep you all updated about this.  I am SO excited!

~Sunny :D

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