Saturday, January 27, 2018

Sacrifices and God

Over the past few weeks I have had several dates with many guys.  Most of the guys I have gone on dates with are good guys but we just are not right for each other.   Some of these guys have even gone on 3-4 dates with.  Here is what I am noticing:

I was not right for them
They were not right for me
We were not right for each other
We are looking for different things

I am totally ok with this.  I would rather end things early then spend months with a guy there is not future with.   I am looking to make every guy like me, I am looking for "THE ONE".

Unfortunately, meeting all these guys have created some deficits in my schedule when it comes to time.   I have had to make sacrifices.    For example, one guy I met for coffee worked until 7:30PM,  which meant that I had to meet him for coffee at 8PM.   By the time the date was done and I was home, walked my dog, read my bible and showered it was 10:30PM.    I had to wake up the next morning at 5AM to go to work.

Aside from dating, I am also working full time, attend weekly bible studies twice a week, take classes through my school district once a week and I have friends and hobbies.   It has truly been a balancing act to juggle all of these things.

One things I am trying not to sacrifice is my time with the Lord.  It is easy (when we are busy) to put God on a shelf.   In the book "Boundaries in Dating" the author states "Many times a person will find her relationship with God taking some sort of detour as her dating world becomes more involved (Page 51-52).


I had to confess that I have had to sacrifice some things and one of them was completing my weekly bible study homework for Romans.   the Bible study is intense and asks really thought provoking questions.  Often the homework takes me 2-3 hours to complete.   Here it was, Tuesday night, hours before the Bible study was supposed to meet and I was trying to complete the work while texting 4 different guys.  I was distracted.  I was frustrated that I was not getting my work done and I almost skipped bible study that night.

Jesus is my most important relationship.  He should be getting my full focus when studying his word.   I should not be allowing guys to distract me from my walk with him.    I had to set a boundary with these guys, explain that I was buying doing my bible study homework.  I figured that if a guy really loved God he would be totally cool if I put my phone away to focus on Jesus (in fact, I believe the right guy would have encouraged that).

What happened?   Two of the guys got upset and one even accused me of leading him on and blocked me.   Wow!    I am glad that I set that boundary and I am going to be fervent with spending time with God in the future.  

As a friend said "If they don't respect your boundaries now, they won't respect them in the future."

I completely agree.

~Sunny :D

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