Friday, January 9, 2015

Double Standards

           I was grabbing lunch with my friend Emily and she asked me: “What are you doing tomorrow?” and I told her I have tentative plans a mutual friend named Bridgette who may or may not cancel.   I continued to explain how Bridgette had to work and might be too tired to get dinner so I might get dinner with her, or I might have a quiet night at home with my pug. 
            Emily and I laughed when she exclaimed: “That would never fly with a guy would it?”   She is right.  We ladies hold the guys we date to higher standards.  We expect them to arrive to locations on time.   We won’t accept it when guys are flakey and cancel plans last minute.  There are exceptions to this rule but I can think of multiple relationships I have had that ended just because the guy was a little flakey.
            When a guy is late or cancels plans we naturally assume it’s a game.   We ladies are so used to being burned by the guys in our lives that we go into relationships with extreme caution.  When a guy is repeatedly late or repeatedly cancel plans we disqualify him.  Yet, my friend Bridgette is habitually late and yet I still adore her!
            I  can’t speak for the male population, but I am sure that there are things you allow your buddies to get away with that would never slide with a girlfriend.    Just something to ponder..

~Sunny :D 

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