Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Obligatory New Year Reflection & Resolution Post (a little late)

Last year my best friend and I purchased matching jars from Ikea and we put all of our blessings into the jar.   I put slips of paper into the jar for things that happened in my life that were good.   I ran a 5K, I made dinner for friends, traveled, purchased a new car.   All the amazing things GOD did were placed inside of this jar. I also placed scriptures or quotes that made a significant impact in my life during 2014.   I also had written copies of song lyrics that were significant to me.  I have the names of new friends and shared experiences I had with people who are important to me.   I even had stubs from movie tickets and a copy of the sermon notes from an insightful message I heard at my church. 

Here is a picture of my blessing jar.

            The blessing jar was so much fun to open and read.   I was able to see how GOD was able to show his grace & love many powerful ways.   I was able to fill up 5 pages in my journal with blessings from last year.   Reflecting onto 2014, I am not going to lie~ It was challenging.  I had to learn a vast amount of difficult lessons from GOD.   However, I know that GOD is with me and I truly feel him closer to me now than he has ever been.

            It is my prayer that 2015 is a better year.  I don’t really make “resolutions” like normal people, but I like to set goals.   In 2015 I would like to:  Complete 5 races (5K’s), Do an in depth study Isaiah & Zachariah, Save $2000 toward my house, and lose 50 pounds.   These are all achievable goals if I stay focused on GOD.   I had similar goals set last year around this time, but when I got distracted from the LORD, my goals went out the window.    I am going to make sure this does not happen again in 2015.    I want to live a full life!  I want to look back on 2015 and think: “Wow, what an amazing year that was!”

~Sunny :D

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