Friday, January 9, 2015

Decision MADE :D

If you read my previous blog post, you will see that I was trying to discern GOD’s will for my life.   I was prayerfully considering that maybe I should leave my church.   A multitude of reasons (I would rather not get into)   has made fellowship at the church very awkward and has made me feel unwelcomed at that church.   I was honestly planning on making December 28th my last service at that church.  I had all of the materials I have borrowed stacked into a nice pile and ready to be returned.   I had a nicely written “good-bye” letter to give to the pastors that I was going to send out on December 29th.    I figured that January 2015 would be a good time to start attending a new church. 

            GOD had something else planned.  I got sick on December 27th and I was unable to attend church.   I spent the day reading a book a co-worker gave me for Christmas.  The book is titled: “The Bait of Satan” and it’s by John Bevere.   In this book, John outlined how Satan will use other Christians to push people out of a church.    He used the parable of the soils, and compared us to seed on rocky soil.   “Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil.  It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.  But when the sun came, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had not root. “  (Matthew 13:5-6).

            Satan longs to uproot us.    It is only through trials that we are able to grow those roots into the ground.  The sun has come.  I faced many trials in just a few short months and my “bully” is still trying to hurt me.  Ultimately I need to stay where I am.   I need to trust GOD.

“But blessed is the man who trust in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.  He will be like water that sends out its roots by the stream.   It does not fear when heat comes; it has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
~Jeremiah 17:7-8

            GOD often communicates to me through songs.  I was listening to my ipod and I heard the song “Little Star” by Phil Keaggy.  (I included a Youtube video for your listening pleasure). 

Here are some of the lyrics:
Through fire, storm, wind and rain
Broken dreams of yesterday
You are where he wants you little star
Close and within reach of where you are.
Rest assured in what you’ve heard,
Peace of mind, remain secure
You are where He wants you little star.”

       I know things will be difficult for a while.  I know I will probably be uncomfortable for a while.  but if GOD is for us, who can be against us?

~Sunny :D

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