I was reading the book: "Many Colored Days" by Dr. Seuss to my students today. Each color is supposed to represent a different feeling or emotion. Pink is happy, blue is calm, stuff like that.
I read this:
"Grey day, everything is grey. I watch but nothing moves today."
I know that feeling.
I have decided to leave my school and teach in a different location. I turned down a position because I believe that GOD wanted something else for me. I felt lead to take a different job in a different school. I was excited to work in this new location..
I found out...
The position has already been filled.
This is the SECOND time this has happened to me in the last two weeks.
I am questioning GOD. I am asking him what I am supposed to do. In my heart I know he wants me to switch schools and I don't know why or how it is going to happen.
Then I begin to question myself..Maybe I am being to hasty or picky? Maybe I need to change my attitude? Then something happens at my school to reinforce the idea that it is time to leave.
All I am seeing is closed doors. I drove home from work today in tears (again) and I actually said out loud: "Oh, look, McDonalds is hiring."
What a silly thought..
I trust GOD~ But I don't trust myself. I am afraid I will miss the job the LORD wants for me because I keep chasing after the closed doors.
I am sitting here watching life... and nothing is moving.
I don't want to rush GOD (GOD's timing is perfect right?) Contracts are due in 2 weeks. I have 14 days to find a new job. I don't want to sign the contract I have UNLESS I can find a different school to go to.
I am chasing after all the opportunities I hear about, but finding that I am always "Just a day too late".
"Trust in the LORD and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge him and HE will direct your paths."
~Sunny :D
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Job Switch
Teaching contracts came out on Friday~ and with them a host of available jobs have become open at multiple schools. I am going to be honest and say... I had a panic attack. I am not very good at making decisions and due to the fact that the last time I "switched" schools I ended up in such a bad situation only made me trust my decision making skills less.
The temptation to go to a situation I am familiar with was very strong. So strong that I contacted the principal and practically signed the contract to work for her next year. I worked with that principal at a different school. I know what the expectations are. I was excited that it was so easy for me to find a new job and thought: "Good, now I can go back to my regularly scheduled life."
Then I prayed about it~ and GOD did not agree with me.
Rather, I am feeling led to take a different job. A job where I don't know what to expect. Teaching something I am not very familiar with. I am good friends with one of the women who works at that school and her room will be right next to mine.
She is not a Christian. She is Jewish, but we have had some intense conversations about why I believe that Jesus is the Messiah. This made me think of when Apostle Paul said this:
"I have become all things for all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in it's blessings"
~1 Corinthians 9: 22-23
I truly believe this is the school GOD wants me to teach at. LORD, open that door!
~Sunny :D
The temptation to go to a situation I am familiar with was very strong. So strong that I contacted the principal and practically signed the contract to work for her next year. I worked with that principal at a different school. I know what the expectations are. I was excited that it was so easy for me to find a new job and thought: "Good, now I can go back to my regularly scheduled life."
Then I prayed about it~ and GOD did not agree with me.
Rather, I am feeling led to take a different job. A job where I don't know what to expect. Teaching something I am not very familiar with. I am good friends with one of the women who works at that school and her room will be right next to mine.
She is not a Christian. She is Jewish, but we have had some intense conversations about why I believe that Jesus is the Messiah. This made me think of when Apostle Paul said this:
"I have become all things for all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in it's blessings"
~1 Corinthians 9: 22-23
I truly believe this is the school GOD wants me to teach at. LORD, open that door!
~Sunny :D
Lead me... But please don't lead me on!
I am a strong women of GOD. I am also very old fashioned. I don't ask guys out on dates. I don't even really form friendships with guys unless he is the one to initiate it. I don't believe it is my job. My job, as a lady is to WAIT.
I am a strong women of GOD. I am also very picky. I won't settle for just any old guy who shows interest. I am seeking a guy who shares similar education, values, and income level as me. If the friendships I seek require those traits, than why should I seek to marry a man who does not met these requirements?
I am a strong woman of GOD. I also hate it when guys play games. It is not ok to act like you want a relationship from me for your own agenda~ and then drop me when I have served your "purpose" for me. It breaks my heart when I feel led on by you.
That behavior leads to this:
I am a strong woman of GOD~ and I am also very hesitant about love. I have been burned too many times~ I am afraid to try again.
It also leads to this:
I am a strong women of GOD~ and I have lost my intuition when it comes to love. I can't tell by your "hints" that you are interested in me. I am not a mind reader.
What do I need?
I need more than hints. I need more than hesitations. I need a date. I need you to be strait with your intentions. I need the truth from you.
I have been led on too many times. I have gotten my heart thrown into a blender too many times. I have been hurt too many times. I am afraid to try. I am hesitant to believe that something good could come along. I am hesitant to trust your pursuit unless I fully understand the context behind it.
If you "just want to be friends" please tell me. (But do so gently)
If you want a relationship, please tell me.
If you are not sure, please leave me alone until you figure it out. But above all else
I am a typical girl. I do not appreciate being led on.... But I long to find a man who loves JESUS and loves me enough to lead me!
I am a strong women of GOD. I am also very picky. I won't settle for just any old guy who shows interest. I am seeking a guy who shares similar education, values, and income level as me. If the friendships I seek require those traits, than why should I seek to marry a man who does not met these requirements?
I am a strong woman of GOD. I also hate it when guys play games. It is not ok to act like you want a relationship from me for your own agenda~ and then drop me when I have served your "purpose" for me. It breaks my heart when I feel led on by you.
That behavior leads to this:
I am a strong woman of GOD~ and I am also very hesitant about love. I have been burned too many times~ I am afraid to try again.
It also leads to this:
I am a strong women of GOD~ and I have lost my intuition when it comes to love. I can't tell by your "hints" that you are interested in me. I am not a mind reader.
What do I need?
I need more than hints. I need more than hesitations. I need a date. I need you to be strait with your intentions. I need the truth from you.
I have been led on too many times. I have gotten my heart thrown into a blender too many times. I have been hurt too many times. I am afraid to try. I am hesitant to believe that something good could come along. I am hesitant to trust your pursuit unless I fully understand the context behind it.
If you "just want to be friends" please tell me. (But do so gently)
If you want a relationship, please tell me.
If you are not sure, please leave me alone until you figure it out. But above all else
I am better off when you leave me alone to be with my Savior. JESUS loves me and he leads me beside still waters. He leads me into his loving arms!I am a typical girl. I do not appreciate being led on.... But I long to find a man who loves JESUS and loves me enough to lead me!
Sunday, April 13, 2014
There is a parable in the New Testament about a
master that gives his servants talents (money).
Two of the servants use the money wisely and gain a profit. One servant is lazy and hides the
talent. The master becomes angry at the
servant that hid
How often do we hide our talent? Is it fear?
Is it laziness?
I am very involved in my
church. GOD created me to fill certain
roles that only I can fill. I was
fearfully and wonderfully made, knitted in my mother’s womb. If I were to “hide” my talent from the
church then I would not be living the life that GOD desires me to live.
Think of it
this way. Our goal as Christians is to
become more Christ-like. Christ served others and we should seek to do the
same. Here is a list of ways we can
get involved into our church by serving.
Lead a bible study
Help with kids
Sing with the choir
Help with Communion
Help with collecting the offering
Folding programs
Placing candles into candle holders
Cleaning the church
Help with the sound
Set up the stage
Arrange funeral dinners
Visit those in the hospital
Prayer warriors
The list
can go on and one. Some of these ways
to serve make a big impact in our church and others don’t. However, we must understand that to whom
much is given, much is required. Don’t
hide your “talent”. You should seek ways
to serve in your local church. It honors
GOD and helps to further the kingdom of GOD.
~Sunny :D
A New Season
If you have been a regular reader of my blog you will know
that I have had difficulty in my job this year.
This is my
14th year of teaching and I can say with full confidence that this
has been the worst year ever. My boss
is very critical and demanding. I am a
very hard worker and I give 110 % everyday and yet I feel like my boss is
constantly raising the bar just above what I am able to reach. She rips me apart during my
evaluations. She nit-picks the way I
keep my lesson book, my seating charts, and the way I word my objectives every
time she enters my room. She gets angry
when I can’t attend after school events because of my religious
obligations. (Which I am NOT
contractually required to do). I feel
She has
literally BEGGED me to stay at her school.
She tells me I am one of the best teachers she has ever had and all I
can do is sit back and say: “Really?“ I
am literally working myself into the ground for this women with zero
appreciation. How can I possibly be one
of the best?
I am surrendering the white flag.
I adore my
students and I enjoy my co-workers but working with our principal has become
impossible for me. If I had a different
principal, a more reasonable principal I would probably stay at that school
until I retired. I have learned that GOD
will make a situation bad for us so we will find the courage to leave and enter
into his will. I have a peace about my
decision to leave. I know I need to go
and I am praying and hoping that GOD will open the right doors.
~Sunny :D
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