Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dr. Seuss

      I was reading the book: "Many Colored Days" by Dr. Seuss to my students today.    Each color is supposed to represent a different feeling or emotion.  Pink is happy, blue is calm, stuff like that.

 I read this:

"Grey day, everything is grey.    I watch but nothing moves today."

I know that feeling.

I have decided to leave my school and teach in a different location.  I turned down a position because I believe that GOD wanted something else for me.   I felt lead to take a different job in a different school.   I was excited to work in this new location..


I found out...

The position has already been filled.

This is the  SECOND time this has happened to me in the last two weeks.

I am questioning GOD.   I am asking him what I am supposed to do.  In my heart I know he wants me to switch schools and I don't know why or how it is going to happen.

Then I begin to question myself..Maybe I am being to hasty or picky?   Maybe I need to change my attitude?  Then something happens at my school to reinforce the idea that it is time to leave.

All I am seeing is closed doors.   I drove home from work today in tears (again) and I actually said out loud: "Oh, look, McDonalds is hiring."

What a silly thought..

I trust GOD~  But I don't trust myself.  I am afraid I will miss the job the LORD wants for me because I keep chasing after the closed doors.

I am sitting here watching life... and nothing is moving.

I don't want to rush GOD (GOD's timing is perfect right?)   Contracts are due in 2 weeks.  I have 14 days to find a new job. I don't want to sign the contract I have UNLESS I can find a different school to go to.

I am chasing after all the opportunities I hear about, but finding that I am always "Just a day too late".

"Trust in the LORD and lean not on your own understanding.  In all ways acknowledge him and HE will direct your paths."

~Sunny :D

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