Sunday, April 27, 2014

Job Switch

      Teaching contracts came out on Friday~ and with them a host of available jobs have become open at multiple schools.   I am going to be honest and say... I had a panic attack.  I am not very good at making decisions and due to the fact that the last time I "switched" schools I ended up in such a bad situation only made me trust my decision making skills less.

     The temptation to go to a situation I am familiar with was very strong.   So strong that I contacted the principal and practically signed the contract to work for her next year.  I worked with that principal at a different school.    I know what the expectations are.  I was excited that it was so easy for me to find a new job and thought: "Good, now I can go back to my regularly scheduled life."

Then I prayed about it~ and GOD did not agree with me.

     Rather, I am feeling led to take a different job.  A job where I don't know what to expect.  Teaching something I am not very familiar with.  I am good friends with one of the women who works at that school and her room will be right next to mine.

      She is not a Christian. She is Jewish, but we have had some intense conversations about why I believe that Jesus is the Messiah.    This made me think of when Apostle Paul said this:

"I have become all things for all people so that by all possible means I might save some.   I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in it's blessings"
~1 Corinthians 9: 22-23
I truly believe this is the school GOD wants me to teach at.   LORD, open that door!

~Sunny :D

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