Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lead me... But please don't lead me on!

      I am a strong women of GOD.   I am also very old fashioned.  I don't ask guys out on dates.  I don't even really form friendships with guys unless he is the one to initiate it.  I don't believe it is my job.   My job, as a lady is to WAIT.

     I am a strong women of GOD.  I am also very picky.  I won't settle for just any old guy who shows interest.  I am seeking a guy who shares similar education, values, and income level as me.    If the friendships I seek require those traits, than why should I seek to marry a man who does not met these requirements?

    I am a strong woman of GOD.  I also hate it when guys play games.   It is not ok to act like you want a relationship from me for your own agenda~ and then drop me when I have served your "purpose" for me.    It breaks my heart when I feel led on by you.

That behavior leads to this:
    I am a strong woman of GOD~ and I am also very hesitant about love.    I have been burned too many times~ I am afraid to try again.

It also leads to this:
     I am a strong women of GOD~ and I have lost my intuition when it comes to love.  I can't tell by your "hints" that you are interested in me.  I am not a mind reader.

What do I need?

 I need more than hints.  I need more than hesitations.   I need a date.   I need you to be strait with your intentions.  I need the truth from you.

     I have been led on too many times.   I have gotten my heart thrown into a blender too many times.  I have been hurt too many times.  I am afraid to try.  I am hesitant to believe that something good could come along.  I am hesitant to trust your pursuit unless I fully understand the context behind it.


If you "just want to be friends" please tell me.  (But do so gently)
If you want a relationship, please tell me.

If you are not sure, please leave me alone until you figure it out.  But above all else




I am better off when you leave me alone to be with my Savior.   JESUS loves me and he leads me beside still waters.   He leads me into his loving arms!

I am a typical girl.   I do not appreciate being led on.... But I long to find a man who loves JESUS and loves me enough to lead me!

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