Sunday, April 13, 2014



 There is a parable in the New Testament about a master that gives his servants talents (money).  Two of the servants use the money wisely and gain a profit.  One servant is lazy and hides the talent.   The master becomes angry at the servant that hid

How often do we hide our talent?   Is it fear?  Is it laziness?

            I am very involved in my church.   GOD created me to fill certain roles that only I can fill.  I was fearfully and wonderfully made, knitted in my mother’s womb.    If I were to “hide” my talent from the church then I would not be living the life that GOD desires me to live.

         Think of it this way.   Our goal as Christians is to become more Christ-like.  Christ  served others and we should seek to do the same.    Here is a list of ways we can get involved into our church by serving.  

Lead a bible study
Help with kids
Sing with the choir
Help with Communion
Help with collecting the offering
Folding programs
Placing candles into candle holders
Cleaning the church
Help with the sound
Set up the stage
Arrange funeral dinners
Visit those in the hospital
Prayer warriors

            The list can go on and one.   Some of these ways to serve make a big impact in our church and others don’t.   However, we must understand that to whom much is given, much is required.   Don’t hide your “talent”.  You should seek ways to serve in your local church.  It honors GOD and helps to further the kingdom of GOD.

~Sunny :D

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