In the wonderful world of online dating there is nothing more annoying than a guy who breadcrumbs. Often these are the kind of guy you would be interested in (Good jobs, good education, strong christians, etc.). I am sure girls do it too but I am a lady and I can only speak about my experiences with online dating. In case you did not know the definition of breadcrumbing is below.
Breadcrumbing: The act of sending out flirtatious, but non-committal text messages (Bread crumbs) in order to lure someone romantically without expending much effort." ๐๐ฅ
Here are some examples of breadcrumbing I have had over the last few weeks
Bachelor #1
Bachelor #1 would send me countless pictures of him at work, and would text "how are you doing" or the even more evasive "WYD" almost everyday. ๐ Occasionally we would have have good/ deep text conversations. He was well educated and actually attended my church a few years prior to us connecting online.
Him: "Hey"
Me: "Howdy"
Him: "So.. I kind of want to meet you."
Me: "Great. I would like to meet you too."
Him: "When are you available?"
Me: "Friday after work or Sunday after church"
Him: "Probably Sunday.. I will let you know."
That Sunday, I sent him a "Hey, are we gonna get together text." around 9AM. I went about my day. Went to bible study class, church and had lunch with all of my friends from church. I checked my phone, and I noticed he had not communicated with me all day and it was now 3PM. After lunch I did errands, got groceries and went to the gym. Still nothing.
In fact he did not respond for three more days and acted like nothing happened. I gave him the "We are not gonna work out" text and was done.
(Truthfully, I allowed this guy to ask me out two more times and flake on me before I finally ended things with him)
Bachelor #2
Bachelor 2 and I had been texting for weeks and even had several long phone calls(some over 2 hours). He was on fire for the Lord and was well versed in scripture. He would text me how he never felt so strong about a women before and how I was everything he was looking for in a future wife. After several weeks of that I took the initiative.
Me: "I enjoy talking/texting with you, but do you have any interest I meeting me?"
Him: "Hey, you are so beautiful. I am just dying to meet you."
Me: "Great. When would you like to meet?"
Him: "You know what? I don't have my schedule with me but I will text you when I get it and set something up."
One week later
Him: "I am trying to find the perfect spot to take you for our first date. Somewhere romantic and special."
Me: "How about.... coffee?"
Him: "No. It needs to be better than coffee. You are the kind of woman you bring home to mom. You deserve something better than coffee. "
One Week Later
Him: "Ok, beautiful, I found this restaurant that would be perfect for us. Have you ever heard of (insert name of restaurant)"
Me: "Yes! I know exactly where that is. When would you like to meet?"
Him: "Let me check my schedule at work and I will get back to you."
This continued for several weeks. He would claim he didn't know his schedule, changed the restaurant location, changed the day he wanted to meet me. During this time he would call me and have hour long conversations. He would send me pictures and youtube clips. He would seek constant validation and tell me how perfect and beautiful I was and thus, I would feel obligated to say similar things back. When I finally accepted this was going nowhere, I sent the "This is not gonna work out" text and ended it.
I debated if I should post this blog or not. It does not really talk about how my Christian walk has changed because of dating but was just kind of a post full of negative examples I have had with guys who are Christians. Perhaps it has caused me to be a little more careful about how I interact with guys I am unsure about. Am I making false promises? Am I stringing guys along?
~Sunny :D