Saturday, July 14, 2018

# Summer Adulting

Every summer I struggle to fill up my time with things that are meaningful.   One of the things I decided to do was create a "summer adulating list."    This is a list of things I can do that are productive, necessary or will help me to stay off of technology when faced with tons of extra time.   I wrote the goals into my journal and put a little tab on it so it was easy to find.   I separated my goals into   categories. 

Do you have that one shelf that has been messy and is driving you nuts?   Time to clean it.
Steam clean the carpets, scrub the floors, etc.    This is extra cleaning, things that are above and beyond my weekly cleaning routines. 

Vet.  Doctor, Dentist,  Oil Change, etc.

Friendship Goals:
Dinner and a Movie at my place, girls movie night out, etc. 

God Goals:
Reading/studying the book of James.   In January I read the book of James 20 times in a row. I decided that I wanted to do a more intense study of the book and included it on my list. 

A pastor of my church wrote the Bible study "God who Dances".  It is about developing a deeper intimacy with God.   If you are interested in the Bible study "God Who Dances", you can click this link:

Professional Development:
Summertime is an excellent time to participate in professional development.   I signed up for a few classes through my school district. 

What kind of goals do you have?

~Sunny :D

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