Saturday, July 14, 2018

Tech Free Tuesday

Technology is everywhere.  It is easy to get sucked into a technology rut and completely lose track of the time.   There are even studies about how technology has become an addiction.  I can understand that being possible with cell phones, TV, on demand streaming, Netflix, Hulu, and various other options available 24/7.

It was suggested that I download an app called "moment."  It is a FREE app that tracks how much screen time you use on your cell phone.   I downloaded the app, expecting it to be 2-3 hours.   At the end of the day I managed to rack up 5.5 hours of screen time on my phone!?!?!?   ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

I suspect I used this time text messaging but that is a lot of time wasted on a phone.

I decided to make every Tuesday  Tech Free (Technology free).

Here is a sample of my schedule
5AM:  Laundry, journal, walk the dog and breakfast.
9:00:  Class at the gym (Zumba)
10:30 Shower, get dressed
12:00 Lunch with a friend
2:30: Study the Book of James
6:00:  Dinner
7:00:  Class at the Gym (Yoga)
8:30: walk the dog
9:00 Bedtime.

The only time I used the phone was when I needed to send a quick text to confirm lunch plans and to call my doctor to set up an appointment.  Overall, it was a total tech free Tuesday.

~Sunny :D

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