Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Technology in Dating: WYD

WYD is text lingo for: "what are you doing."

I have decided this is the most evasive and annoying text message to receive on your phone from a potential suitor.   When I receive that text message I never know how to respond.

Do I tell him that my life is full of endless adventures(Sometimes true) or do I tell him I am binge eating goldfish crackers and watching Netflix in my pajamas(more likely)?  What if I have plans to go on a date that night with someone else?  Should I disclose this?  Should I allow him to make last minute plans with me (If I am honestly not doing anything?).   What if I am seeing a friend from church and getting coffee?  Does he need to know?

Then I have to wonder: Is it any of his business what I am doing?

I have decided that if I am not in a committed relationship with a guy then it is not his business what I am doing or who I am with 24/7.    

If he texts WYD I will respond honestly if I think it's something I want to share.
"I am working on lesson plans."
"I am editing music on my computer."
"I am doing my bible study homework/ reading (Insert bible name I am currently reading)"
"I am plotting to take over the world."
"I am hanging out with my roommate."
"I am at the park with my dog."
"I am cleaning up my apartment."

If he texts WYD and I am busy doing something that I feel is none of his business, I will ignore the text and respond several hours later: "Hey, I was busy earlier.... what's up?" 

This is brilliant, because now he feels like he need to be accountable for what he is doing instead of you constantly telling him what you are up to.   If he does follow up texts about your what you are doing, you can use one of the above responses.  "Hey, I just got home and now I am hanging out with my roommate."  

As a Christian, I believe we need to be authentic and honest with each other.  I also believe that I deserve privacy in the early stages of a relationship.  

I hope this helps you navigate WYD.

~Sunny :D

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