Thursday, January 4, 2018

Are Christian Guys Being Told the Same Thing?

I recently saw a book titled "How to become a Ruth and find a Boaz" floating in ads on Facebook.    Over the years, I have read many books with similar themes.

I googled: Books for Single Christian Woman
There were probably 30 books written for Single Christian Women.  Here are some of the examples:

"If you want a Boaz, you must become a Ruth"
"God, where is my Boaz?"
"The Importance of Waiting Well"
"Become a Proverbs 31 Women"
"Lady in Waiting"
"Praying for Your Future Husband~ Preparing His Heart for Yours"

I have read most all of those kind of books.  Waiting is good.  Prepare for a husband and he won't be able to resist you.   Devote yourself fully to God.  Read your bible, Serve in the church.

We ladies begin reading these books at a young age (Some of these books are even being used by youth ministries).   I agree that we should be devoting ourselves to God, reading our bible and serving in church.   However I have to wonder:

Are Guys getting the same advice when preparing for marriage?

I googled: Books for Single Christian Men
And believe it or not, most of the books were still written for Christian Women.  More examples"
"Where have all the good men gone?"
"Waiting for a Unicorn.  Where are all the Christian Men?"
"A Woman's Prayer~ For Christian Men."

Finally, I was able to find a few books written for Christian Men:

"10 Women Christian Men Should Marry."

I decided to research my concern further and realized that most of the blogs/advice that have been  written for Christian Single Men about dating and marriage are just checklists of what to look for in a Godly woman.   None of the are advising the guy to prepare for marriage by devoting to God.  There are no books telling a guy he needs to be more like Boaz.   He is not being advised to read scripture, get fully devoted to God and have a strong prayer life.   It's as if when a guy decides it is time to get married, he has a practical guide on how to find the best wife possible but it never advises him to be the perfect husband.

I wonder why the girl to guy ratio in singles groups are 5 women :1 guy
I wonder why I sit in a room full of women who practically have theology degrees and guys who rarely open their bibles.
I wonder why there is a shortage of quality, Godly men.

We have not held our young men to the same standards we require of young ladies when preparing for marriage.  We are advising women to be fully devoted to God and regularly attend church but we are not requiring the same of the guys.   We have created a culture of allowing guys to hold all the cards while not bringing anything to the table.

I have no idea how to change this other than encourage unmarried men to develop stronger relationships with the Lord, read their bibles, pray and be fully devoted to God before seeking out a wife.

~Sunny :D

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