Thursday, December 28, 2017

Halloween Party

I attended a Halloween Party on October 31st.   I wore a cap and gown and wrote the words: "I have the scariest costume: STUDENT LOANS" on my gown.   The party was opened for 20's, 30's and 40's.  We had married and singles attending, however most of the people there were in their late 20's.

While at the party, I had a younger guy hinting on me for about 20 minutes.   He seemed like a swell guy but I wanted to make sure he knew I was much, much older.   

Me: "So.. When is your birthday?"
Him: "May 5th."
Me: "Ah, nice.  How old did you turn?"
Him: Straitening up and lowering his voice: "I am 22.  When is your Birthday?"
Me: "August 8th."
Him: "Are you?  26?  27?"
Me: "I just turned 40!"
Him: "Ew.. Gross.. You are like my mom's age!"
Me: "I just realized that you were probably in kindergarten the first year I taught."๐Ÿ˜‚

And that is how Sunny :D ended this incredibly awkward conversation.  

This got me thinking.. Maybe I need to begin to open my heart to the possibility of dating again.   Once January 1st rolls around, maybe I should take a more active role in trying to find someone.   More specifically, finding someone my own age.  

You will be seeing a transformation in my blog over the next few months as I begin to explore the possibility of finding someone. 

~Sunny :D

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