Saturday, August 5, 2017

So.... This Happened!?!?!?

I have considered getting a tattoo for several years.  5 years ago I wanted to get a Celtic Cross put onto my lower back (I am Irish).   I could not decide on a design so I did not go through with it.  I did not want to put something on my body permanently unless I was sure it was what I wanted.  I am 40 now and decided it was time to get a tattoo.  I  settled on putting my favorite bible verse on my wrist.

"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?  Though she may forget, I will not forget you!  See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands"
~Isaiah 49:15-16

I choose this location for two reason.  1) I wanted it close to the palm of the hand and 2)I wanted to have the ability to cover it with a watch or bracelet.   I think it turned out beautifully.  I was pleasantly surprised it did not hurt as much as I anticipated.    I choose this verse because of how beautiful it is.
"I will not forget you!  I have engraved you on the palms of my hands."  

The tattoo has become a conversation starter.  Some of my closer friends are not entirely sure if it was new or if they just never noticed it.  Only one teacher I work with has noticed my new ink.

My students noticed it on "Meet the Teacher" night.    They decided that having a tattoo officially made me the cool teacher (as if I was not already).   I was nervous about parent opinions about my tattoo~ however, many of the parents of my school have tattoos so I suppose I fit in with them.   One parent complimented the tattoo artist for doing a clean job and ask for my recommendation because she was looking to get inked.

I do not regret getting a tattoo and I don't anticipate that I will.

~Sunny :D

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