Saturday, August 5, 2017

Awake at 2AM

A few nights ago I found myself awake at 2AM filled with regret over decisions I made 20 years ago. I can't change the past.   I found myself wrestling with myself: Did I make the right choices?  Would my life be better or worse if I would have chosen a different path?

What if I married my college sweetheart from? (one of my biggest regrets 😢)
Maybe I should had chosen a different career?
What if I would have decided to do peace corps?
Why didn't I backpack across Europe?

How would my life be different if I took a different path?

Honestly, I have no idea.  I sometimes feel like life is a big game of "Choose your own Adventure."   I was finding myself laying in bed at 2AM wondering:  What got me here?

I came to a few realizations and lightbulb moments.   I have had to ask for forgiveness for my mistakes.   I had to take responsibility for my actions and I thanked God for taking care of me even if I completely went the wrong directions on multiple occasions.

I am 40, and I am still young enough to change my life.  I can still backpack across Europe.  I can still travel.  I can still live life.

~Sunny :D

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