Monday, July 3, 2017

The Four Loves by C. S. Lewis

"Why are you in my wardrobe?" I asked the Lion.

"Narnia Business."He replied.

Just a little C.S. Lewis humor to brighten your day.  :D

Anyway, one of my summer goals was to read several books. (See #Adulting List).   I have heard several Christians tell me that they loved C.S. Lewis.   I decided to start reading "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis.  I must admit, the book is intense.   I had to re-read a chapter just to understand what he was talking about.  I had to look up several words.  This book feels like something I should be discussing during a Grad school class, not  lightly reading by the pool.

  I am not sure if other Christians have had this experience with his books.  Maybe this book is difficult because it is nonfiction?  Anyway, I just finished chapter two and had to take a break to read something a little less complex.  After I finish the book, I will write a blog discussing the highlights of the book.

Who is your favorite Christian author?

~Sunny :D

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