Monday, July 3, 2017

Summer #Adulting

The term Adulting is often used to describe something adults do.  For example: Going to the bank, working, cooking dinner, getting an oil change.  As a teacher, I am trying to fill up my summer with productive things so I do not fall into a NETFLIX TRAP.      In June I started to see these things floating around Facebook.
Parents will use this to keep kids away from technology.   I think it is brilliant.  I was thinking it would be wise for me to create one for Adults. Here is my list:

#Adulting Choices
Balance checkbook/Pay bills
Clean and/or organize something
Work on lesson plans for next year
Play with my dog
Do errands (bank/ grocery store/ etc.)
Try a new recipe
Call a friend
Spend time with a friend
Listen to/watch a sermon

I choose 5  #Adulting choices each day that I must finish BEFORE I turn on the TV.    This list has done an excellent job of keeping me from getting bored and wasting my summer away.   Each day I am busy until 1 or 2 in the afternoon.  Sometimes I multi-task.  For example, I had to get some work done on my car and I brought a book to read.  

Have you ever used something like this to help keep you away from technology/TV?

~Sunny :D

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