Sunday, May 7, 2017

What should the church do about singles?

This blog was originally titled: What should you say to singles.   I had high hopes of listing 10 things to say to singles to make them feel better about life.  After brainstorming, I was only able to come up with one or two things to actually say.

So instead I offered ways you can help singles feel connected in a church.  Often singles feel isolated in a church.  We do not feel like we belong and have difficulty forming connections.   The church supports those who are married and have kids but often overlook singles. (Specifically, singles who are out of college).  But once someone becomes 26, if they have not gotten engaged they suddenly feel left out of a church.   Here are some suggestions on how to relate to singles.

1) Offer opportunities to grow within a church.
Notice I said GROW and not just serve.  Growing within a church involves sermons and participating in a small group.  Often I get frustrated when I read a church bulletin and it offers:
College Ministry
Newly engaged groups
Young couples groups
Love and Respect (A marriage group)
Parents of newborns.
MOPS (mom's with PS kids)
Parents with teens
Parents with college students
Mixed Marriage (groups for blended families)
Senior citizens group

Which group do I fit into?  I don't have kids and I am not married.  I am not a senior citizen.  I do not fit into any group.  Some churches offer singles groups, but it has been my experience that those are usually awful and attract the wrong kind of guy/girl.   Perhaps, we should stop offering all these segregated groups.  I think it would be wise for churches to offer intergenerational groups.

2) Offers Men's/Women's bible studies during a time when working adults can attend.
As a single women, I desire to form connections within my church.  Ladies bible study meets 9 AM on Tuesday.   Ladies fellowship Bruch, this Friday at 11.  Men's group, meets at 7 AM Thursday.

 I have a full time job and I am unable to attend the anything that falls between 7AM and 4PM.  Most single men/women I know find themselves in the same predicament.  We desire to grow in the Lord, but our work schedule does not allow it to be a reality.   Please offer bible studies after 5PM.

3) Invite them to do something fun with you. 
Single women enjoy meeting for coffee, attending concerts or grabbing lunch.   Single guys enjoy sports, movies, and dinner.  If there is a single person in your church~reach out to them.  Invite them to join a bible study or get lunch after church.    Be genuine and get to know them.

4)Offer to help them with something.
A year ago, I moved into the apartment I now share with a roommate.  I had many friends offer to help (including 3 married couples).  The entire move took 2 hours.   If I would have moved with just a few friends, It would have taken hours.  I was very thankful that my married friend arrived to help.

This list is not finished yet, however here are a few practical suggestions for helping singles get connected in a church.

~Sunny :D

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