Sunday, May 7, 2017

13 reasons

It was suggested to teachers in my district to watch the Netflix series "13 reasons".   If you are not familiar with the show, it is about a girl who takes her own life and the main character receives 13 cassette tapes to describe how each person contributed to her mental health.

This was designed to help us understand bullying and find the red flags in our students.   In my opinion, it glorified suicide.  The main character was bullied and it leads up to her being raped at a party.  After she was raped, she ended her life (in a vary graphic scene that is NOT appropriate for anyone under 18).    I understand that bullying is difficult but it made it appear as if the main character's only hope was to end her own life.

This show was particularly difficult for me as I know of 3 people who have ended their life due to suicide.  One of them was a close friend who called me the night before she died.   I always wonder if maybe I would have answered the phone she would still be around.

I have a friend who volunteers at a suicide hotline and she told me that they have been incredibly busy since the show aired.  I completely believe this.  The show not only glorified suicide but it also helped to desensitize us to it.

I am praying my students do not have access to the show.  They are young, impressionable and don't always know how to handle their own emotions.  Summer vacation is coming up which means many of my students will be without the support network at my school.

I do not want to judge anyone who may feel suicidal in this blog post.  Please know that Jesus has a good plan for you life and there are people who care about you.   Please do not hesitate to reach out to friends, pastors, or family members if you are having thoughts of suicide.   If you are uncomfortable reaching out to people you know,  there is help available at Suicide hotlines (I apologize I do not know the phone numbers).   Please know you are loved.

~Sunny :D

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