Sunday, November 20, 2016

So.. I guess now I am teaching?

I attend a small group at my church.   This group is a mixture of singles, married, and married with children ages 25-40.    We used to be led by a pastor, but he found a full time job with another church and due to financial reasons, my church decided to not replace him.

12 of us sat in a room to try and divide up the responsibilities that the pastor had.   We were asked to fill out a “Spiritual gifts test” that someone found online and divide the jobs that way.  Many of us scored high in hospitality and administration.  But when it came to the gift of teaching only one guy admitted to scoring high.   I also scored high in teaching but I was afraid to teach.

Why?  I have read my bible and I know about the warnings that come with teaching. “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.”  James 3:1.   That alone was enough to terrify me into not teaching.    To teach the word the God is an awesome responsibility.   Teaching puts you under the microscope. The fear of misinterpreting scripture was real.  I would be accountable to God everything I would say.  To top it off, I would be in a room full of my peers~ mature, Christ loving Christians who know the word of God just as well (or better) than I do.

The guy who admitted to the gift of teaching has his own business and would not be able to teach every Sunday and we needed at least one more teacher.  Looking down at my spiritual gifts test, I knew that I scored very high in teaching.   A voice that sounded just like mine said: “I am willing to teach once in a while”.  And just like that my name was put on the rotation.

Am I terrified?  Yup.     I don’t feel like I am qualified to teach.  However I have learned that God loves to qualify the unqualified.

~Sunny :D

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