Sunday, November 20, 2016

New Beginnings

I began to attend a new church just over a year ago.  During this time I was wrestling with God and questioning his very existence.  Now that I am in am better head/heart space with God and with the church I have been praying:  “Am I ready to get involved in this church?”

I was hurt in various ways by my previous church and some of my trepidation to get involved comes from those experiences.   I should I have left my previous church months before I did but my “obligations” kept me in an unhealthy environment too long.  It did damage to my soul.    I have learned, the move involved someone gets in a church, the more difficult it is to leave that church.

I prayed and I left the whole thing up to God.  If and/or when he is ready to get me involved into my new church, he will guide me in that direction.  Until that time, I am happy being a regular attender and learning to trust God all over again.

Sunny :D

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