Monday, December 22, 2014

BIG Plans

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to proper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you hope and a future.”
~Jeremiah 29:11

            I first stumbled onto this verse about two years into my walk with Christ.  I think I found it on a bumper sticker at a bible bookstore.  I remember reading it and it brought me to tears.  Big plans.. for me?

            17 years later, I am still trying to figure out what these big plans are…     However, GOD has placed a dream in my heart.   There is a vision in my head.   If everything works out as I see it in my mind, it is a beautiful plan.   

            I am praying that GOD will open the doors he wants open and close the ones he does not.   I will keep you posted dear readers!

~Sunny :D

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