Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Am I enough?

            Rejection has a way to cut into the depths of your soul.  It makes you wonder if you are enough.. Why was I rejected?  I felt like I was on a sixth month long relationship test drive with a guy from my church and then, he suddenly changed his mind. 

Have you ever felt like you were not good enough?  It did not matter what I did, I always fell short of what his expectations were.   I was not as pretty as _____.  I didn’t know scripture as well as _____.   I was not as funny as____.   Everything that happened these past few months had to undergo his stern approval or disapproval.  When I did something right he would hug me and when I did something wrong he would get upset with me and give me dirty looks.   

I was never good enough.

            The sixth month test drive has ended and I could not live up to everything this guy wanted me to be.   In GOD’s big plan for my life, this guy is probably not what was best for me.   The rejection still hurts.  

            I spent sixth months feeling like I was not enough.  I finally questioned GOD and he reminded me that I am enough.

I was created in GOD’s image:
“So GOD created man in his own image, the image of GOD, he created him.” 
~Genesis 1:27
I was created in the image of an everlasting, infinite, all knowing creator of the universe! 

I am HIS child:
“You are all sons of GOD through faith in Jesus Christ.” ~ Galatians 3:23
“The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.  Now if we are children, then we are heirs- heirs of GOD and co-heirs with Christ.”
~Romans 8:16-17
The creator of the universe calls me his child.   I am his sheep and I hear his voice.  I cry out to him Abba, Father… 

“The Lords unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him”
~Psalm 32:10
“The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.”
~Psalm 33:18
“You are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.”
~Isaiah 43:4
The God of the universe loves me with an everlasting, unfailing, eternal love.

            Am I enough?  YES!   I am enough to have been created in GOD’s image.  I am enough to be accepted as a child of GOD.   I am accepted enough to be loved by an eternal, infinite, incomprehensible creator of the universe.  I have justified by faith and the LORD is preparing an eternal place of rest for ME!

            Who cares about this rejection from this silly earthy guy?  GOD has big plans for my life and it does not include any nonsense from this guy!

~Sunny :D

"See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands"
~Isaiah 49:16

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