Saturday, November 1, 2014


                  VBS was this week.   Our theme this year was “Weird Animals”.    The week was amazing!  I was asked to lead the worship this week and I was honored and humbled to do so.    Leading 500+ children in singing praises to GOD was honestly the best place for me.    I love how each person seems to be placed in a spot that is best for them.  

              I asked a friend of mine what they were doing for VBS and they said: “Pre-School Crafts.” And I said “Voluntarily?!?!”    In my mind I could not understand why anyone would voluntarily do anything with preschool.  And she was doing CRAFTS.. Glitter, glue, cotton balls, sequins, crying.... Yuck!  Then this same women watched me on the stage.  I was wearing a bright costume, singing and dancing with a wireless microphone attached to my face.  She said “how do you have the courage to do that?”

                  Leading the children in Worship was second nature to me.  I am a music teacher and I have had experience in show choirs, and doing musical theater.   I was told by many people that they could never have the bravery to do what I did that week.   However, due to my previous experience it was the only place I felt comfortable.

“But in fact GOD has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.  If they were all one part, where would the body be?  As it is, there are many parts, but only one body.”
 ~ 1 Corinthians 12: 13-20

                  The church is the body of Christ.   Each member of the body has different gifts and talents.  Some people are great with Preschool (not me) and some people are better with teens (also not me).  If everyone in the body of Christ had the same gifts and talents then how would we grow as a body? How could we serve each other if we were all identical?

This brings me to the next thought

 “ For we are GOD’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do.”
 ~Ephesians 2:10

                  Each member of the body of Christ has different gifts and talents.  Gifts and talents are cultivated by the believer throughout their life.   I am fantastic with kids and very talented in music.   My experiences growing up have prepared me to serve in the church in the capacity I am suited best.  I find immense joy serving the LORD in Children’s Ministry and Children’s Worship.   Other members of the body are suited for other areas and that’s ok.

 We are all created different.  This is another reason GOD is Awesome..

~Sunny :D

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