Thursday, July 3, 2014

Nothing New Under the SUN...

A passage I was recently thinking about is found in Genesis 29:31-30:24.  If you are not familiar this is the passage where Leah and Rachel have a war on who can produce the most children for Jacob.    The behavior was catty as they continued to try to “one up” each other.  

Leah: “It is because of this my husband will love me.” (vs. 29:32)
Rachel: “Give me children or I will die!” (vs. 30:1)
Rachel: “Now sleep with my servant, Bilhah.” (vs. 30:3)
Leah: “I stopped bearing children, now sleep with my servant,  Zilpah.” (vs. 30:9)
 Leah: “You must sleep with me” (vs. 30:16)

            Poor Jacob.   Can you imagine all the nagging happening in that household!  I can imagine that Leah did not bear her 6 sons with the grace we want to think.  I suspect she probably acted very spiteful toward Rachel who remained barren for many years.    In turn, Rachel acted like the world was ending “give me children or I will die!”   What sophomoric behavior is displayed by these two women as they continue to attempt to out-do each other to win the affections of Jacob.  I am going to let you in on a secret.  We women..


            I noticed this recently while attending the singles groups at my church.  We are planning a Chili potluck and the women were all trying to convince the guys that they made the BEST chili and the BEST cornbread and the BEST desserts.   They were all trying to surpass each other in their domestic skills.   I just sat back and watched.   I kind of smiled on the inside and thought: “Nothing new under the sun!”

I decided to bow out of this rat race and bring bowls and spoons instead!

~Sunny :D

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