Thursday, July 3, 2014


What is Hope?  According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary Hope is defined as: “A desire accompanied by expectation or a belief in fulfillment.”   All Humans hope for something.  Some hope to find jobs, some hope to become cured of disease, some hope to find “the one”.   We are all hoping for something in our lives. 

As Christians, we should place our hope in the LORD.   However, often we place our hope in other things.  Sometimes we place our hope in our own power, in another person or even in objects.    “Some trust in chariots and some trust in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our GOD.” ~ Psalm 20:7.

I know I do this.  I am a sinner and I often find myself placing things on the throne in my life that should not be there.   I place my hope in my own strength and it always fails.  Only GOD’s strength can make my plans succeed.   I place my hope in others, and when they fail, it leaves me frustrated.  I place my hope in material things that eventually wear out and leave me disappointed.   

And when those things fail?

“But now, LORD, what do I look for?  My hope is in you.” ~Psalm 39:7.

            Hope in the LORD is the only way we can get through our days.  He is our strength:  “In our weakness, he is strong.”   His love never fails.   “Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are GOD my Savior and my hope is in you all day long.” ~Psalm 25:5

~Sunny :D

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