Saturday, July 5, 2014


     Yesterday was the 4th of July.   Up until Wednesday I literally had NOTHING to do to celebrate our Nation's Independence.   I prayed a quick prayer: "Father GOD, I would like to find something to do for the 4th of July."

      Within one minute I had 2 offers to do something for the holiday.  YAY  JESUS!  I decided to go to a picnic with a woman I used to work with and then watch fireworks with a friend from graduate school in the evening.   Both invitations were offered to me by strong Christian women.

     I felt GOD's presence the entire night.   The picnic was lots of fun.  I took over baked beans and we had hot dogs, potato salad and root beer floats.  We had good conversations about all the great things GOD is doing in both of our lives.   We played with sparklers by the pool.

       After that I went to meet my friend from graduate school for fireworks.  This was the best part of the day.   She invited a few other friends along and us four girls all had a BLAST!   We wore glow-in-the-dark necklaces.   We watched a revolutionary war reenactment  and listened to a cover band who specialized in 80's music.   We danced, we sang and we had an amazing time!

      The best part is, we were perfectly located next to the fireworks.   I could hear the 80's music fade in the background as we watched the sky fill up with colors.  I love watching fireworks.

I am single~

And that is ok~

GOD still blessed me on that night and I know it.

GOD is good all of time; and all of the time GOD is good.

~Sunny :D

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