Saturday, July 19, 2014

Needs and Wants

As singles we need to distinguish the difference between NEEDS and WANTS.   For example:  I WANT a husband.  It is a desire of mine to get married someday.  The fact I can realize this is a WANT and not a NEED allows me to be more picky.   I WANT a man who loves Jesus as much as I do.  I WANT a man who has an education and a good job.    I WANT a man who I can trust to make decisions and whom I respect.

However I don’t NEED these things because the LORD provides for me richly.          

See the difference?

What do I need?                   

Right now I NEED to rest in GOD.  “Be still and know I am GOD.”  I NEED to make connections with other believers in the body of Christ.   I NEED to spend this season of singleness doing my best to grow in the Lord by reading my bible and praying.   I NEED to learn how to trust GOD in all things and lay my requests at his feet.

These are NEEDS every believer has. 

These are NEEDS that won’t change when I get married.

~Sunny :D    



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