Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ladies Only!

Ok ladies, let’s admit the reality.  Godly men are scare in our churches.  I am sure you know the expression: “The good ones are taken.”  Unless you attend a Christian college or are a member of a mega church, you will realize the options are slim.

            How are we supposed to stand out when we outnumber the guys?   How do we get noticed to gain the attention of a Godly man when they have so many available options?

The answers are in Proverbs.

 “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.” ~Proverbs 19:14.   The word Prudent can be defined as: wise, practical, or sensible.   Godly men are looking for such a women.   A prudent woman will be practical and will not spend money on things they can’t afford.  A prudent woman will be wise with how they spend their time and money.   She will be sensible when making decisions for her life and will run the affairs of her home in a way that honors GOD.

            “A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown.”~ Proverbs 12:4.   A woman who has noble character is honorable and virtuous.    She is moral and will not compromise her walk with GOD.   She will make decisions for her life based off of the word of GOD and she will earnestly seek him in all that she does.   The word crown can signify a trophy or a prize.   So this scripture is stating that a righteous woman is a prize in her husband’s eyes.   What woman would not want to be treated like a prize?

            “A wife of noble character who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies.” ~Proverbs 31:1.    In other words, there are not very many women who have this noble character.   To be a women who rests in the LORD and is fully devoted to him will make you very valuable to a Godly man.  

            “HE who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.” ~Proverbs 18:22.   Ladies, a true man after GOD’s heart is looking for YOU.  He is looking for an amazing woman of GOD who can be his “trophy”.      Woman like this are hard to find and a Godly man will wait until he finds her.

            What should we do while we wait for GOD to bring us a guy like this?  We should fall I love with the LORD.  We should spend time learning about him and reading his word.  Work on spiritual disciplines such as prayer and meditation.   If you want an AMAZING man of GOD to find you, you need to become the woman that guy would be attracted to.

~Sunny :D

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