Saturday, July 19, 2014


I am reading and studying the book of Jeremiah right now.  Be prepared if my next few blog posts are about that book.     As a side note, if you are looking for a good bible study guide I recommend anything written by Warren W. Wiersbe.   I am using his Jeremiah study guide and I am finding it very helpful to understand the cultural significance of this book.


            I am reading the book of Jeremiah and in the first 7 chapters it is talking a lot about idols and false gods.   To worship an idol instead of GOD is the same as committing adultery.    “Put detestable idols out of my sight and no longer go astray.” ~Jeremiah 4:1.  

            Idols look very different in 2014 than they did back in OT times.  I can think of golden calves and fertility god’s  being worshiped.   However, if you look deeper the idols are the same.  An idol can simply be ANYTHING that you place above GOD’s will for your life. 

            Believers do not worship false gods and golden calves anymore but you better believe that idols are still very much alive in our church.  If you find yourself turning to video games, food, toxic relationships or exercise to find your joy instead of turning to GOD.. You are at risk of having an idol in your life.

            Idol is a dirty word but upon careful examination I realized I had an idol.  I had turned my job into an idol.  I tried to wrap my self-worth into my job.  Don’t get me wrong, I am a fantastic teacher~ but I was desperately trying to be the best.  I was trying to put GOD into a box of where I believed my career should go.   I was frustrated when I did not get my way and angry when I felt pushed into a corner.  When I received criticism, terrible evaluations, or negative observations it would ruin my mood for days.  

I had an idol.

            I praised GOD for showing me this flaw in my thinking and asked for forgiveness.   I was not intentionally making my job into an idol.   I think it is very common for Singles to turn their jobs into idols because they don’t feel like they have anything else going for them.   We are not married, and often we do not have kids so we seek to find our purpose in our jobs.

            This is not how GOD designed us to be.   Our purpose it so love him and find our Joy from HIM.  Rest in the LORD my friends.

~Sunny :D

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