Thursday, July 3, 2014

Be the person you want to attract

         Singles who complain that they do not attract the type of guy/girl they want frustrates me.  Sometimes I just want to scream: “Look in a mirror!”

            I am not talking about women who think they need to lose 5 or 10 pounds.  I am not talking about guys with brown hair complaining that they can’t find a date.    I am talking about people who set their expectations SO HIGH that they would not qualify to date themselves.

            Let me elaborate.  I have a Master’s degree and a stable job.  I refuse to date any guy who does not have these same characteristics.   Because I have these things too offer I am more likely to find a guy with these things over a girl who does not.   Yet I hear girls with part-time jobs complaining that guys like that “Pass over them.”  These girls refuse to date guys who don’t have good jobs or an education, and yet these same girls are doing nothing to better them selves so a guy like that will pursue them.

They disqualify themselves against their own desires.

            Another example.  I know guys who are good solid 3’s on the looks scale.  Yet these same guys refuse to date anyone who is not at least an 8.   Sometimes unattractive guys can still find a “looker” if they have a good job, but often these guys have average jobs with average pay.

They disqualify themselves against their own desires.

            A Christian will claim they want a Godly man or woman who is on fire for the LORD.   But if you put GOD on the shelf 6 days a week you will never attract the type of person who is “on fire” for the LORD.    You must be actively seeking a relationship with the LORD in your quiet time and not just on Sunday mornings. 

They disqualify themselves against their own desires.

            I am not suggesting we compromise.  I am suggesting that maybe we should stop looking for “the one” and become “the one” that would attract that person to you.     Be honest with yourself and with GOD.  Stop placing expectations onto another human if they are things you don’t have to offer.  

~Sunny :D

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