Friday, June 6, 2014

Texting in Social Situations

    I had a friend who went on a date with a guy a few days ago.   He was sweet, educated, and loved GOD.   She spent days talking about this guy and she was very excited about this date.   When the big day arrived, she spent hours getting ready for the date because she wanted everything to be perfect.

         He arrived on time.   He was dressed in nice clothes and took her to Olive Garden for dinner.  Once  they arrived to the restaurant, his behavior took a very ugly turn.   This guy had this awful habit of texting other people during the date.    The first few times my friend tried to ignore it.  It continued to happen.   He was talking to her, but seemed more engaged in his technology.   What does a single girl do in a situation like this?  She wanted to speak up and explain to him that his behavior was rude but she did not want to come off as jerk so she kept silent and ate her pasta dish in solitude.   There is a Robin Williams quote that says: "The only thing worse than being alone is being with someone who makes you feel alone.".   My friend felt alone in this situation.  If you were wondering, there will not be a second date.

      This got me thinking about other social situations.  How often do I see people spending time together but staring at their phones?    I can think of multiple situations where I have attended events and watched people more focused on technology than their company.

     Technology is a great tool, however when it is abused it cuts you out of experiencing a full life.   GOD calls Christians to live abundantly.. How abundant is that life when you are more focused on the people who are not there than you are on the people who are there.   Talk, fellowship, make connections with the people who are sitting next to you!  It makes the experience better for you and those around you.  Make it a rule, put away the cell phones (unless you are taking pictures) and enjoy each other's company.

~Sunny :D

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