Friday, June 6, 2014

He Won't Commit

     I am not currently dating, but this is a common concern for young Christian ladies so I felt this was worth posting.   Ladies, what do you do when a guy is not willing to commit?  I found this video by Focus on the Family where Gary Thomas basically said:  End it and move on!  Staying in a bad relationship is the same as putting money into a bad investment.

       The best line of this video is at the end: "Do you want to be married to someone who thinks: I don't want to spend another year without waking up with you everyday.  Sharing not just occasional evenings but every moment together and I certainly don't want to to be that something can happen that you might not be my wife.  I can't wait to be together.  That should be what you want? Isn't that the kind of guy you want to be married to.  If that is not what you have, go find someone who is."

     This got me thinking about more than just relationships where the guy won't commit, but what about those guy friends who string you along for years and leave you in limbo?   Can this video be applied to those situations?  YES!   I want to find the guy who does not play games.  I want to find the guy who is honest and steps up.  I want to date a guy who is willing to lay it all out there because he is afraid of losing me.  And ladies..We should all want that.

~Sunny :D

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