Friday, June 6, 2014

Pray for your Enemies

      Several posts I make in the next few months will be about prayer since it is my goal to improve my prayer life this summer.   I was praying yesterday and I asked GOD to show me what I should pray for.  He spoke and I didn't like the answer.   He told me to pray for my boss.   Now, if you are someone who reads my blog often you will understand that my boss is not my favorite person so when GOD asked me to do to this, I was hesitant at first.   Then I was reading Matthew and read:

"YOu have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven."
~Matthew 5:43-44

     My boss is not my enemy, but she is very difficult to work with.  Then this request from GOD got me thinking about my job.  Things have been difficult this past year and I searched for a way out of that school so I could "get a fresh start".    I just finished my 13th year of Teaching, it should not have been as difficult as it was.. But then I started to realize that I was not relying on GOD as much as I should have.   When I was a new teacher I sought after GOD for EVERYTHING and now I only seem to seek him out on the "big stuff". 

     Maybe GOD is keeping me in this situation so I can grow in him.  I need to learn to lean on his throne daily.   Pray for my boss, pray for my co-workers, pray for my students.       I need to start to see these people as GOD sees them~  I need to pray. 

~Sunny :D


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