Thursday, June 19, 2014

Answered Prayers

I am refining my prayer life and learning to depend more on GOD.    I prayed about it and here are my prayer goals:

Improve my prayer life and make time to pray for at least 30 minutes a day
  Pray out loud around others.
 Find a “prayer warrior” and begin to pray with them often.

GOD is so awesome!  I had two answered prayers happen at one time!    My church started a Single’s group for people in their 30’s and I have begun to attend it regularly.   One of the ladies and I have seemed to “hit it off” so we met up for dinner.  I am SO glad we did.   We both had a very blessed time together.   When the food arrived to our table, she asked me to pray out loud.  I had to face my fear and ask GOD to bless our food in front of another person.

And I lived to tell about it.

            While fellowshipping with this girl from my group I found out that her favorite way to relate to GOD is through prayer.    I was honest with her and told her that I struggle with prayer but I am working hard to improve it this summer.    We had a great discussion about how she prays and what kind of things she prays for  and what worked for her.  She gave me some great ideas on how to improve my prayer life.

I am so thankful to the LORD for providing this women for me to connect with and I am looking forward to becoming better friends with her. 

~Sunny :D

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