Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I miss you LORD....

My best friend is moving away to Texas in two weeks.   We decided to take a weekend road trip together to go hiking.   We left on Friday we were done teaching for the day and traveled up to Page, Arizona.  We spent the night there and   we hiked horseshoe bend and Antelope Canyon on Saturday.   We drove to a town near the Grand Canyon and hiked there on Sunday.
It was an amazing trip of a lifetime.  We made memories I will never forget and I got to see things in Arizona I never expected to see.  If you are ever in Arizona, I recommend hiking in these locations.  

            But one thing was missing~ my time with the LORD.   My friend is not a Christian but she understands that my relationship with the LORD is important.   However, spending this much time with one person who occasionally swears and talks about things that don’t glorify GOD becomes difficult after 24 solid hours.

 I packed my bible and the only time I had alone with the LORD was when she was in the shower.   This gave me 15 minutes with the LORD.   This is not enough time and the trip was beginning to wear me out~ Spiritually.

After I got home on Sunday I had to do a million things to recoup from the trip.   I had to get groceries, pick up my dog, do lesson plans, wash clothes.  I was exhausted from the hiking and went to bed early.
The next day I made sure to spend lots of time with the LORD.   I realized how much I missed Him.  I missed communicating with Him and reading His word.  I missed my time to worship him.   After spending two hours with GOD I felt peace.  I felt like my relationship with him was restored.   It feels good to feel his presence in my life.    It was like breathing fresh air.

This trip showed me how important it is for me to maintain my relationship with GOD.   I don’t want to ever “miss” my Savior again.

~Sunny :D

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