Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dreams & Doubts

I have been debating if I should post this blog for a few days, but I decided to anyway.   Perhaps it will give all my single friends some hope.

            I would never call myself a prophet.  However, I am similar to Joseph because my dreams come true.   Scientists believe we have 4-6 dreams every night which last from 5-20 minutes.   Scientists also believe we forget 95% of our dreams.   I am not sure how often I actually dream, but I only remember my dreams once in a while.  Perhaps those are the dreams GOD uses to communicate with me.  I write my dreams down into my journal and I wait for GOD to answer them.   It gives me chills to see those dreams come true.   I have no control over those dreams, but with GOD’s grace I am usually able to interpret it.

            I had a dream two weeks ago that has really shaken me.   In my dream I came home from work and I saw two doves building a nest outside the door of my apartment.  I opened the door and I greeted my dog.   Then I woke up.

            I believe GOD is communicating with me that I am going to get married.  The dove is a symbol of GOD’s blessing and two birds are “nesting”.    The opened door in my dream signifies a new opportunity.

What a powerful promise from GOD!

            So I look around and think: “ Ok, which one is he?  Wait?  None of these guys are interested in me.  Now what?”

            So I start to worry.  I start to doubt GOD’s promise to me.  I cry out to GOD, and feel peace.  Peace and anxiety at the same time, if that makes any sense at all.  I was like GOD was saying: “Relax, I got this!”  Ultimately I understood GOD was in control but I was beginning to doubt him.

 I like to listen to podcasts of sermons when I go hiking with my dog and I happened to listen to a sermon titled:  “Faith or Doubt”.  The sermon was on Chapter 15 of Genesis.   If you are not familiar, Abraham questions GOD about the promise he was given for a child.  Abraham says: “O Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascas?  You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.”  (Genesis 15:2)   This is the passage where GOD tells Abraham that his descendants will be more numerous than the stars in the sky.  

Abraham is considered the father of faith~ and he had doubts of GOD’s promises too.   What I love about this passage is how gently the LORD addresses Abraham’s concerns.   He does not scorn him or scold him.  The LORD speaks gently to him and reassures him of the promise that has been given.  In Chapter 18 GOD again promises Abraham a son: “I will surely return to you about this time next year and Sarah your wife will have a son.” (Genesis 18:10).
GOD made a promise to Abraham that he would have a child.  He made that promise several times before it actually happened.   Right now I need to develop my faith in the promise GOD has made me and accept that it is in his timing.   Abraham had to wait a very long time for his promise.

~Sunny :D

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