Tuesday, June 3, 2014


It is summer vacation for teachers.   I love summer vacation because it gives me that time to relax, catch up with old friends, and grow in the LORD.   I like to go into my summer with some sort of spiritual goal in mind.  Last summer the LORD and I worked through a lot of stuff.   I felt blessed by my extra time with the LORD last summer and I looked forward to growing closer to HIM again this year.

            I searched my heart and tried to figure out how I can grow closer to GOD.  I love to worship him in song, and I enjoy reading my bible, and I enjoy spending time with him.  What is missing? Prayer.

            I do pray.  I pray every night.  However, I don’t really know how to pray and I always feel like I am doing it wrong.    I have always been told that I should not view GOD as a “Santa Clause in the sky” so I guess I feel awkward asking for anything unless it is a praise or directly related to something at church.   I pray for guidance when planning lessons I teach the kids at church, I pray for salvation of others, I pray for my pastors and the ministries I participate in at my church.    If I take an Honest look at my prayer life, most nights I praise GOD for being so awesome and I call it a night.

            This is not how I think prayer should be.  Prayer is supposed to be a lifeline to GOD.    A mentor of mine used to say that I needed more frogs.  Frog stands for:


I depend on GOD, but at the same time I don’t really communicate with him the way I feel I ought to.    My prayer life is lacking and I know this.  My summer goal is to develop a strong and healthy prayer life.  I want to make it a priority.  I want to set aside time every day to pray.   I want to understand how to pray

            I don’t mind praying in front of children at church, but I fear praying out loud around adults.  Do you know those people who pray and it sounds like poetry?  Like every work they speak is coming strait from the mouth of GOD?  Their words are filled with scripture and peppered with love.   Well,  I am not one of those people.   I feel awkward praying out loud, and I am afraid others will judge my humble words so I often stay silent.    I want to develop a strong enough prayer life that I am confortable praying around other adults, even if my words don’t sound like poetry.

            I printed off this picture of a frog and I hung it on my refrigerator and by my bedside to remind me to pray more often.   When I see the frog, I will be reminded to pray.   My prayer is that my relationship with the LORD becomes stronger as I work on my prayer life with Him.

~Sunny :D

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