Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Praying for my Future Husband

I belong to a Facebook group called “A Modern Day Ruth”.     The group is for Single women to find encouragement from each other until GOD sends us a Boaz.  (Read the book of Ruth if you don’t understand that culture reference).

The members of this group post encouraging scriptures, pictures and quotes to help us in our journey.   I love reading the things that are posted in this group because it gives me hope and often makes me think.

If you read my previous blog post on prayer, you will know I am trying to focus on improving my prayer life.   I was reading a post from another girl on the “Modern Day Ruth” Facebook page and she posted a prayer for her future husband.   She wrote:

Tonight I pray for my future Boaz… If he is lonely please comfort him.  If he is tired, refresh him with your Holy Spirit.  Bless him and keep him and prosper his ways.  May I meet him soon.  Amen.”

            What a great idea.  I have never considered praying for my future husband this way.   I have prayed for him to come along and enter my life, but I never thought that he might feel the same things I do.   He is probably having doubts, feeling lonely, and wondering if I am out there too.
            In the book: “If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat.” John Ortberg suggests that we should pray for something everyday for 6 months and GOD will make miracles happen.  He gave an example of how one guy prayed for Kenya for six months and ended up doing a short term mission trip there at the end of the six months.

            On June 1st, I decided I will pray for my future husband everyday for the next six months.   I also decided to dedicate 1 night a week to fasting and prayer for my future husband.  (No eating after 3:00 one night a week).   I will pray that GOD blesses him and watching over him.  I will pray for GOD to protect him and guide him.  I will pray that we both spend this time apart preparing for each other.  I will pray we find each other soon.

~Sunny :D

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