Sunday, April 13, 2014

Review: GOD is NOT DEAD (The Movie)

This movie is amazing and worth the $10 ticket.   I don’t want to spoil it for you so I will just give a quick overview.   Basically, a college student decides to challenge his atheist philosophy professor over the existence of GOD.    There are several other plotlines throughout the movie that all seem to intertwine at the very end.    The climax happens during a Newsboys concert when they sing the “GOD’s Not Dead” song.   Sometimes people need to hit rock bottom before they accept Christ.

            This movie hit close to home for me because I had similar experiences with a philosophy professor when I attended college.  I was to new to the Christian religion to really prove my point, but I tried to convince my professor that GOD was real.
I said: “What if GOD is real?  What if I am right?  It’s going to be unpleasant for you if you die and find out that we Christians are right and you spent a lifetime proving we were wrong.”

            That was nearly 14 years ago and having atheists challenge my faith has not changed. I have many atheist friends and I have similar conversations with them.  Most of them get angry with me and Christianity has become a banned topic between us.   I am allowed to talk about church, but I am not allowed to “push” my beliefs onto them.   I have been told that the closer people are to academia, the less they have faith in GOD.   Intellectual people have difficulty believing in a GOD they can’t physically measure with touch, sight or hearing.    I don’t understand how people can live in such a hopeless world when Christ is right there offering hope, love, peace and eternal happiness.

To sum up.. Watch the movie! 

~Sunny :D

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