Sunday, April 13, 2014

Portion Control

I have been on a diet for the last 8 months.  I started the diet on my Birthday (August 8th).  I have lost over 80 pounds and other people are beginning to notice that I look different.   The first few months were awful.     I had to give up many things I loved to eat in hopes to lose weight off of my body.  How am I doing it?  I am counting calories.   What I have found is that when I binge and go over my calories for the day I get sick.  Each day I must stay within my calorie goal, within my portion in order to continue losing weight.
            I was reading the story of the Israelites.  I read how GOD sent manna from the heavens to feed the Israelites as they wandered in the desert.  He specifically told them to only collect enough food for one day.   It was a way to show trust in GOD.   He allotted them each their daily portion. 
            Everyday GOD gives me a portion of food.  Right now it’s 1500 calories.   Going over this portion is unhealthy and will make me sick (and can be considered gluttony).  GOD wants us to wait on him to provide us with “daily” bread.  Just the Israelites were given a portion of food each day to show dependence on GOD.

“The LORD is my portion; I will wait for him” ~ Lamentations 3:22

On a side note, is it any wonder women struggle with weight, the first recorded sin in the bible happened because Eve ate something she was not supposed to..

~Sunny :D

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