Monday, March 17, 2014

ThAt OnE hAbIt ThAt DrIvEs Me NuTs!!!

I have to believe the picture posted above.   I have to believe that someday someone AMAZING will come into my life to make me glad I didn't settle for anyone who does not measure up to my standards.

Most of the guys I date have one little habit that drives me NUTS!  This habit is flakiness.   They cancel plans last minute, they show up late and sometimes they don't show up at all.   I find this habit incredibly rude and I have ZERO patience for it.    This behavior shows that they don't care very much about me and they certainly don't respect my time very much to think that it's ok to blow me off.

I understand things come up.   Grandparents get sick; cars break down, emergencies happen.   However, when the flakiness becomes a habit... I just won't accept that!  

If you are flaky with me, I just turn around and walk the other way.   
You are simply not worth my time!

~Sunny :D

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