Monday, March 17, 2014


Have you ever sat back and considered how vast our GOD is?    GOD created EVERYTHING.  Everything we see, everything we hear, everything we smell, touch and taste.   The great GOD story starts in Genesis “GOD created the heaven and the earth. ” ~Genesis 1:1

Have you ever gone outside and looked up at the sky and just sat in GOD’s presence and thanked him for his goodness?   I love to star gaze at night doing this very thing.   Perhaps these next few verses will inspire you:

When I consider our heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon & the stars which you have set in place.” ~ Psalm 8:3

He determines the number of stars and calls them all by name.” ~Psalm 147:7

            GOD knows the number of stars in the sky and he knows their names.  Makes me think of that Chris Tomlin Song...  What an amazing GOD we serve to pay attention to such details.  Take a few minutes to be silent before GOD and listen to HIS voice.   Enjoy being in his presence.   Spend time thanking GOD for the beauty of his creation.
Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor.  For everything in heaven and earth is yours~ Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom, you are exalted as head over all. “ ~1 Chronicles 29:11

Thank you LORD for all the beautiful things you have given us!

~Sunny :D

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