Monday, March 17, 2014

Death & Taxes

It has been said there are two things you can’t escape in life; death and taxes.  Christians are fortunate because GOD can help them with both.   Once you accept Christ, you will die, but you will live forever in heaven.    GOD can also help you with taxes.
            It is tax season and like all hardworking Americans, I need to prove that I have paid my debt to society (IRS).  Before getting my taxes done I prayed and I asked GOD for three things:

1                I don’t want to owe any money.
2                I would like to have enough to pay off my credit card (with high interest)
3                I would like to put $1000 in my saving account AFTER the credit card is paid off.

I know I was asking a lot of GOD but he has supreme power over everything and he OWNS everything on this earth so surly he could help me achieve my financial goals.  My tax guy did my taxes and GOD answered my prayers:

  I don’t owe any money.
  I will have enough to pay off my credit card.
  I will be able to put $1400 into my saving account!

WHOO-HOO!  GO GOD!  I am very thankful for HIS provisions of my needs in regards to my finances.  GOD will supply all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus.”

~Sunny :D

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