Monday, March 17, 2014

Is Facebook keeping you SiNgLe?

I met a wonderful, Christian man through mutual friends a few days ago.  He was single and handsome.  He had a good job, and talked greatly about his love of the word of GOD.  I was a little smitten after our brief conversation.  
            I went home and I looked up his Facebook to find out more information.   I did not send him a friend request, but I was still able to see several pictures and posts.  His page did not impress me.  In fact, his page did nothing but made me lose interest in him.   This is not the first time I have looked up a guy on Facebook and immediately lost interest based on the things that are posted on his page.
            Facebook is social media.  It is essentially a tool we can use to advertise who we are to the world.   I am NOT suggesting you lie, or pretend to be something you are not.  I am suggesting you monitor your posts and pictures in a way that is Christ honoring and shows who you really are.  I carefully monitor what I post and what other people post on my page.    I have compiled a list of things I have seen on single Christian’s Facebook pages that made me lose interest.  Ladies, we should also follow this advice.

Swear words.  Refrain using swear words in his posts or in comments to other people I lose interest.   It is not what goes into a mouth that defiles us, but what comes out because that is what comes out from the heart. 

Pictures with Alcohol.    Let me clarify.   There is a difference between posting a picture of a fancy dinner that includes a modest glass of wine and a picture of a game of beer pong.   Drinking alcohol is not a sin.  The first miracle that Jesus performed was turning water into wine at a marriage feast.   The bible is clear, drinking alcohol is not a sin.   Being drunk is.

Pictures with the opposite sex.  Be wary of who is in your pictures.  If you are posting multiple pictures with members of the opposite sex you will be seen as either a flirt or desperate.  Make sure there are more pictures of you with the same gender than the opposite.   If you post pictures of brothers, cousins or groups of friends who are married make sure you explain that in the photo description. 

Political views.  Most of us are voters.  There is extreme left (Democrats), and extreme right (Republican).   Most of us fall somewhere in the middle.  If you are posting tons of information on your wall about a political view, or a candidate, or a political view of sorts then people who read that are making judgments on you based on that post.   I would advise keeping all political views off of Facebook.  Save those for face-to-face conversations. 

Entertainment.   Similar to political views, people make judgments on you based on the type of entertainment you like on Facebook.   The type of music you listen to, the type of books you read, and the TV shows you watch.   Make sure you are putting your best face forward.

Unnecessary Drama.  Ladies, this is for you. Don’t post any of the following:
“I am so fat, I need to lose weight” (especially if you are thin)
“I just don’t think I belong here anymore”.
“He ruined my mascara, I won’t let him ruin my life”
“If you have a problem with me, deal with it”
“My boss is making me so mad”
            These are all examples of unnecessary drama.  The world does not need to know this stuff and it makes you appear to be a petty high-school girl.  DON’T DO IT!

Sometimes bad stuff does happen to you.  You might experience a job loss, a parent getting cancer, or a family pet dying.  These are different circumstances.   This is not unnecessary drama, but real life trials and it is ok to post those things on Facebook if you feel comfortable doing so.

What others post:  Unfortunately we need to carefully monitor our Facebook pages when other people post things.   If someone else tags us in a photo, or leaves a link on our page we need to decide if it is a good thing to keep on our page or if it should be erased.   If a single member of opposite sex posting stuff on your walls, you should erase.   Leave it for a few days or a week and then remove it from your wall.  When I see posts like that I assume you are dating that person or that person desires a relationship with you and I lose interest.

            Facebook is a tool that people who are interested in you can use to determine if you would be a good match for them.  I don’t condone the idea of lying but I think as Singles we should monitor our Facebook to make sure we are advertising ourselves to the world in a way that will attract the right match.  You don’t want to appear to be a drunk, a flirt or desperate.   You don’t want to be labeled as a “drama queen”.   Sometimes I ask if the things I post will be glorifying to GOD?  Will what I post be humorous to others?  Will it inspire or lift up another person?   I monitor my facebook daily and I advice others to as well.

~Sunny :D

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