Saturday, February 22, 2014

Single Fence (Part 1)

Have you ever heard the expression: “The grass is greener on the other side”?  I am sure you have because it’s a very popular expression.  The other side they are talking about simply means the other side of the fence.   In other words, when we look at our neighbors grass it looks greener than ours.   It is better than what we have.  They are happier; more content. 
            However, this is really just a way that we covet our neighbor’s life.   I have many, many single friends who have deep longings for marriage.    We look at our married friends who are blessed with a Godly spouse and kids and wonder: “Why do they have that and I don’t?”  We desire the comfort that comes from having a family and a purpose. Often we wish for a mortgage, two cars, and life insurance policies. We ask GOD: “When is it my turn?”    When begin to question if GOD really has our best interests at heart.    We get so wrapped up in wishing for the things we don’t have that we miss out on the things we do have.  We look at our neighbors grass and believe it is greener than ours.
            Do you know that most married people envy us?  When they look at our grass they see concerts, trips, and adventures.  Yes, they have the mortgage, a life insurance policy and 2.5 kids but we have freedom.   We can sleep in until noon.  We can afford to give more generously to our churches and ministries.   We can take trips.    Single people really have zero responsibilities.   I have multiple people tell me that they live “vicariously” through me. 
            The apostle Paul states: “Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the LORD assigned to him and to which GOD has called.” ~1 Corinthians 7:17.  In Philippians Paul states: “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living or plenty or in want.  I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” ~ Philippians 4:11
            In these two verses Paul is simply stating that we should be content in whatever situation the LORD has put us in.  Married people should strive to be content being married and singles should be content staying single.   Instead of looking over our fences at our neighbors grass, we should spend more time tending our own grass and finding the blessings this season has given each of us.

~Sunny :D

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